Tuesday, March 30, 2004

For my topic, I decide to choose “Weblogs and professional writers

Currently, Weblogs have many good online functions that make them fairly easy to communicate and interact with people in cyberspace. Undoubtedly, there are going to have more and more activities on Weblogs in the future. First, Weblogs as a social network, I think that the weblog sever has a strong effective function on connecting people who have the same purpose and interest. Then, these people will build their specific community such as politics or clubs. Perhaps someday, I will have my own Weblog for self-expression. I have an idea that I will construct a Weblog site to engage poetry or dancing. I could make more friends who have the same interest. However, I have an interest in the topic of “Weblogs and Professional Writer”. I am interested in studying the professional fields. In addition,I know the professor, Lawrence Lessing. He argues that computer code (HTTP) in a traditional Internet is so free that it is uncontrollable, and the government ignores its responsibility for protecting copyright and supervision in cyberspace. Therefore, in “Code is Law”, Lessig offers architectures of control to regulate the commerce in cyberspace. He suggests digital certificates for accessing certain services, encryption and the public key infrastructure in an indirect governmental regulation. Finally, I remember studying the web sites’ Andrew Sullivan and Mickey Kos. The Andrew Sullivan web site is chiefly concern with politics. In my weblog analysis, I have a comment for the Mickey Kos web site. I said that it is a good Weblog and I like its layout in the visual design.

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Building own personal Web log

I read a news article about web logs. In the topic of “Reporters Find New Outlet, and Concerns, in Web Logs by David F. Gallagher, he states that some journalists like to have a Web log because of freedom. The
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Sunday, March 14, 2004

What features about the weblogs(organization)

My impression of the several web-logs is that they have been carefully and appropriately designed by the designer, but some need more organized overview to improve the overall consistency. Some web pages should be readable and intuitive, although they might not consider the part of the vision in their construction. However, they are the interactive organization to concentrate on capacity building in developing societies and collaboration with audiences throughout those web-logs. There is a good readability on the some web sites that the amount of information regarding every category of their public comments is worth praise.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

a well-designed Weblog

I perceive that the whole points of a well-designed Weblog are subjective, usable, readable, aesthetical, pleasing, accessible, interesting, respondent, long-term, and updated frequently. Also, to design a well-designed Weblog, a highly visual layout is not the most important but the use of stylesheet. Therefore, a well-designed Weblog has to think about usability in order to provide feedback, flexibility, and interactivity for users in design.
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