Tuesday, March 02, 2004

a well-designed Weblog

I perceive that the whole points of a well-designed Weblog are subjective, usable, readable, aesthetical, pleasing, accessible, interesting, respondent, long-term, and updated frequently. Also, to design a well-designed Weblog, a highly visual layout is not the most important but the use of stylesheet. Therefore, a well-designed Weblog has to think about usability in order to provide feedback, flexibility, and interactivity for users in design.

I found that the well-designed Weblog, kitta.net. I saw the nice image on its surface first. The image had a monkey on the hill and the clouds in the sky. When I watched the image, I felt comfortable. Therefore, the surface is designed to be close to nature, and it makes me pleasing when I browse it. In addition, when I was incautious to click on the little red monkey, the Microsoft Internet Explorer said, “ you were told not to feed or spank me!. It is in humor to me, so it catches my mind.


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